Am i gay or straight new york times

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President Bush is overseas on an important mission to advance critical issues at the NATO Summit, such as missile defense, increased troop presence in Afghanistan, and enlarging NATO�s membership to include new democracies in Europe. Bush is in Eastern Europe, one of eight foreign trips he is taking this year.� The New York Times also criticizes President Bush for attending the NATO Summit this week, saying �now Mr. � a town inside its own circulation area.

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The New York Times neglects to mention that it failed to send a reporter to cover the President�s housing event in Freehold, N.J. Bush has sometimes seemed invisible during the housing and credit crunch.� (Sheryl Gay Stolberg, �In Economic Drama, Bush Is Largely Offstage,� The New York Times, 4/3/08) to meet with mortgage counselors and discuss the housing market, asserting �the papers were awash with the news that Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania had endorsed Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination for president.� The �newspaper of record� further claims �Mr.

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Today, the New York Times criticized President Bush for failing to generate headlines for his visit to Novadebt counseling center in Freehold, N.J.

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